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Legal filings aggregator Justia tags cases filed in federal court with relevant keywords including “iTunes.”  This makes finding new filings related to whatever keyword interests you quite simple.

For the entire Justia tag cloud, click here.  Some other notable tags include Apple, iPhone, Research in Motion and Palm.  Unfortunately, no tag for iFart…at least not yet.

There is even a tag for android.  The one case tagged android, Erich Specht and The Android’s Dungeon Incorporated v. Google, et al, is definately worth noting.  The complaint tells a tale of trademark infringement wherein Google’s ITU application for the ANDROID mark is refused by the PTO as confusingly similar to the plaintiff’s mark but Google goes ahead and brands its mobile OS ANDROID anyway.  What was that Google motto again?  Oh yeah, right. Whatever.

Keep in mind that this is a human edited service.  As a result, you are dependent upon the editors at Justia to tag cases for you and therefore this is not as comprehensive as a Lexis or Westlaw search, but it still offers a useful and free way to check up on the latest suits filed in federal court.

The editors at Justia have even added brief one sentence descriptions for many cases and for a select few have included helpful links to articles at Ars Technica and elsewhere that discuss certain filings.

Note: For reasons unknown the Justia tag cloud is not in alphabetical order, causing your editor to remark to himself “what’s up with that?!?”  Quite annoying.  Not to worry if you are using Firefox however since the search feature is easy to use.  Still, I don’t get it.  Aren’t all tag clouds organized in alpha by default?  Someone help me in the comments…


Joel B. Rothman represents clients in intellectual property infringement litigation involving patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, defamation, trade libel, unfair competition, unfair and deceptive trade practices, and commercial matters. Joel’s litigation practice also includes significant focus on electronic discovery issues such as e-discovery management and motion practice relating to e-discovery.