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McCain supplement bill more about pro sports than public safety

2010 Supplement Law and Business Predictions

2009 was an incredible year for the dietary supplement industry.  While the rest of American business floundered amidst the depths of a recession, the dietary supplement business thrived.  Americans concerned about maintaining their good health stocked up on...
McCain supplement bill more about pro sports than public safety

Google: A line for drug warnings

Two days of hearings before the FDA about search-based advertising for drugs produced one possible solution: fixed warnings for products. Google has proposed that its AdWords could include a hyper-linked line that warns consumers about the potential dangers of a drug....

ESPN wants to pump … you up with PEDs

In the trade, it is called public service journalism, but this may qualify more as a disservice.  In the Sept. 21 issue with Tim Tebow on the cover (again?), ESPN Magazine devotes two well-illustrated and detailed pages on performance-enhancing drugs. This is a must...

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