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Happy Public Domain!

Ring in the new year and ring in the public domain! Click here.  After a twenty year hiatus, tomorrow will finally see the 95 year long copyrights of works released in 1923 expire. These 1923 films, books and songs will effectively be the first to enter the public...

2018 in U.S. Copyright

Pohl v. Officite: Are photographs utilitarian and therefore unoriginal or uncreative under § 102? Photos of Belinda’s teeth the Court determined to be unoriginal and uncreative  [T]his Court finds that the photos fall into a class of photographs that federal...
SRIPLAW Covers the United States

SRIPLAW Covers the United States

The attorneys of Schneider Rothman are admitted to federal courts across the nation.  There is hardly a corner of our country that our lawyers cannot cover for our clients.  Where we do not have regular admission, we have co-counsel standing ready to assist us. We...