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Infomercials under attack

The infomercial is a popular marketing vehicle for nutraceuticals and alternative medical devices. Recently, unscrupulous infomercial marketers have come under attack for unfair and deceptive trade practices. These two examples provide important lessons for makers of...

Ephedra ban reinstated on appeal

In a 23 page opinion, a panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit has reversed the Utah District Court and held that the FDA’s ban on low dose ephedra was not arbitrary or capricious. Next stop, Supreme Court? Neutraceutical Corp. v. Von...

4th Circuit: Pearson SAMe case unripe

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw jumped the gun when they sued the FDA for declaratory and injunctive relief to prevent the agency from stopping them from publishing a US government study on the effectiveness of SAMe...